Dr. Laura Gramse Family Dental Care Blog

3 Snacks That Don’t Handle Breakups Well

June 3, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — lauragramse @ 8:17 pm
A tin full of beef jerky and a checkered napkin

Whether your favorite is popcorn or chocolate, kicking back with a tasty treat and some TV is a great way to decompress – until something gets stuck in your teeth. We like our snacks, but we don’t want them lingering around like a sad ex-lover! These three munchies just can’t take a hint, but don’t worry. We have some tips that’ll send them packing.


Where Is That Bitter Taste in My Mouth Coming From?

May 13, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — lauragramse @ 10:28 pm
Lady thinks something over

People typically aren’t terribly fond of bitter tastes, which means that having one constantly present in your mouth can be quite annoying. While this sensation is certainly unpleasant, it can also be a sign of an untreated oral infection that can lead to serious consequences if allowed to progress. If it is harmful germs causing this troublesome taste, you should see your dentist as soon as possible if you notice it. Here are a few reasons why you may have a persistent bitterness in your mouth.


What Dental Emergencies Can Cause Facial Pain?

April 2, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — lauragramse @ 7:16 pm
patient suffering from facial pain holding cheek

Experiencing a toothache can disrupt your day and disturb your sleep. The intense pain can make it challenging to focus, eat, or socialize with friends. While not all dental problems result in facial pain, it’s crucial to identify the cause of any discomfort and seek assistance promptly. Keep reading to understand the causes of facial pain and how an emergency dentist can provide relief from your discomfort.
